Navigating the Tour
Open the camera on your phone
Take a picture/scan of the code on the map
Select to open page
The information linked to the site selected will appear.
The tour can also be navigated by visiting the website. Maps can be found at various locations in the area or printed at home. For a downloadable pdf select the compass rose below.
Each site has an audio and written section as well as a link to things to do. Some sites also have a link to a website related to the site. Selecting "To Learn More" will take the user to a new website.
Welcome to Discover Lowcounty, your guide to the people, places and traditions of the Lowcountry. .The tours are designed to educate visitors and residents about our community through the use of mobile technology. A QR code has been attached to each stop on the tour outlined on the map. The stops do not have to be visited in the order presented. Feel free to jump around from site to site or enjoy the tour from the comfort of your own home as an armchair tourist.
The sites discussed on the tour are a mix of private and public property. Please be respectful. For sites that are open for tours visit their websites through the link on the page for hours of operation.

Press the play button to hear the audio recording. You will not be able to pause the recording. It will automatically start from the beginning.
This button will take you to an organization's website.
Select the compass at anytime during your journey to return to the map!
This button takes you to information about restaurants and local activities.
QR Code